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Doemhand emerges as a striking creation from the imaginative minds at Lettersweet Studio, boasting a bold brush style that exudes artistic flair and dynamism. This font's brushed strokes offer a perfect blend of casual charm and emphatic expression, making it a versatile choice for various design endeavors. Its aesthetic appeal lies in the seamless marriage of handcrafted authenticity with impactful boldness, ensuring that any text stands out with an approachable yet assertive presence.

The Doemhand font is particularly suited to projects requiring a touch of personalized sophistication – from branding materials and advertising to social media graphics and editorial designs. Its robust weight ensures excellent readability, while its stylistic brush nuances inject life into every word. Whether you're crafting compelling headlines or looking for a font to accentuate key points in creative compositions, Doemhand offers both the visual impact and the stylistic versatility needed to elevate your work above the ordinary.

This is font free for PERSONAL USE
If you need for commercial use, you can buy the license here :

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Or contact me to my instagram ->
Thank you :)

Mapa de caracteres

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Informaçőes de fontes básicas

Nota de direitos autorais
Copyright (c) 2022 by Lettersweet. All rights reserved.
Família da fonte
Subfamília da fonte
Identificação única da subfamília
Version 1.000;PYRS;Doemhand-Regular;2022;FL720
Nome completo da fonte
Versão da tabela de nomes
Version 1.000
Nome da fonte do postscript
Nota da marca registrada
Doemhand is a trademark of Lettersweet.
Nome do fabricante
Copyright (c) 2022 by Lettersweet. All rights reserved.

Informações da fonte estendida

Plataformas suportadas

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e semântica em diante, Unicode BMP só.
MicrosoftUnicode BMP só

Detalhes da fonte

Contagem de glifos143
Unidades por Em1000
Direitos de IncorporaçăoIncorporação para visualização e impressão permitida
Classe da famíliaScripts
AmplitudeMédio (normal)
Estilo para MacNegrito
EndereçoApenas glifos fortemente da esqueda para a direita + neutros
Padrăo naturalItálico